Monday, April 30, 2012

training 4.30.2012

Max at the end of the week.  With apologies to Baudelaire, I cultivate my maxing hysteria with joy and terror; a 1-rep max day just sounds painful right now.  Need an attitude adjustment, and I have four days.

Started with B-Ala/creatine mix and some dynamic work.  Feeling good today prior to, though very hungry.  Wore knee sleeves and elbow sleeves.  Used my Spud velcro wrist wraps and a ton of chalk.

Squat + 120# chains x3@8.5 + -0%: 285kg plus one fatigue set; felt good
2ct bench x3@8.5 + -0%: 10% increase over last time + one fatigue set; no idea where that came from
DL + 120# chains x3@8.5 + -0%: 310kg seriously ground out -- more like 9.5 -- with one fatigue set that was ugly

Some goodness on the bench and the squat felt as good as ever, but the day doesn't strike me as a victory.  Not sure why.

Tomorrow my boss returns from Australia, breaking up a serene 10 days.  I may be in a little bit of a funk over that, but I don't think so.  I like my boss and my job, even if both have typical shortcomings.  The day was rainy today -- maybe just a little weather dysphoria.

The carb backloading/paleo experiment is going nicely.  Frankly, CBL is the bomb-diggity (can you tell I was around 14-yo boys all day Saturday while having my brain cooked by the sun?), as it is the easiest diet/eating plan/regimen in the world to follow and it yields undeniable results.  If it doesn't work for you, you're doing it wrong.  Don't take my word for it; check out Matt and Julia Ladewski's logs, Brian Carroll's, and a host of others.

Anyway, food is not my problem right now.

Thanks for checking in.

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