Wednesday, May 2, 2012

training 5.2.2012

Started with a little dynamic work and the usual bar work to warm up.  Used the B-Ala/creatine mix and downed about 10g whey + L-Leu before starting.  Wore elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, and Spud velcro wrist wraps.

Hot in the rumpus room today.  Ran the fan hard.

Used PeptoPro + a little whey + leucine during the workout.  Wow, does that taste bad.  Even my dogs would hate my breath right now.  De-bittered my ass.  I imagine my ass tastes better than the casein.  Ugh.

Bench + 120# chain x3@8.5 + -3%: hit 170kg plus the chains and got one fatigue set
SSB Squat x5@9 + -3%: got to 300kg and crapped out; got one fatigue set
JM Press x6@9 + -3%: only got to 280# and my left elbow started barking loudly, so I stopped.  I will film my next JM session and review for form, because I should be able to get more

Not worried about it today.  Next is a 1rm day, which is a lot more important.

Things are working pretty well so far.  I'm hoping to see progress in the bench and dead soon. 

My wife has been making me salads for my mid-morning meals, and I throw some shredded chicken or ground bison on them.  She puts mint in them along with cilantro and the lettuces/spinach.  I highly recommend adding mint.


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