Monday, May 14, 2012

training 5.14.2012

Gorgeous day today.   Cock the hammer, it's time for action (shameless early 90s musical reference).

Started with B-Ala/creatine mix.  Wore elbow sleeves and wrist support, used bar work to warm up.

Comp bench x2@8 + -5% fatigue: got to 40# under my recent 1rm and got one fatigue set.  Happy with it.

Bench +chains x2@8 + -5%: hit 180kg (plus a ton of chains) and one fatigue set; felt my right shoulder on this one, primarily anterior deltoid.

Floor press x12@9 + -5%: hit 200kg and one fatigue set; pretty gassed by this point

Floor press was a clear improvement over last time I did them.  Feel good about this.

Had a fluke failure of a component of my Free-Spotter last week and contacted Sherm.  I can't tell you how quickly he responded, and how totally he took care of the problem.  Outstanding customer service.  Can't say enough about how he stands by his products.  Add to that that he's going to make me a fat-bar dumbbell free-spotter set, and I am happy as a clam.  Pics will follow its installation; ETA undetermined.

Wifey has a comp around June 9th, so it will be time to start thinking when my next will be at that point.

Still not eating enough calories.  Not sure what to do short of ice cream.

If you haven't seen The Avengers yet, go.  Any former (or current) comic nerd (wasn't every American kid?) will love it.  Hulk steals the whole thing, absolutely -- turns out Ruffalo was a fantastic choice.  And the line of Hulk's that you will miss because everyone will be laughing (loudly) is, "Puny god", which is (of course) a play on the 'puny human' line he used in practically every Hulk comic.

Thanks for checking in.

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