Thursday, April 19, 2012

training 4.19.2012

Gorgeous day today.  Got to train in the afternoon, like I like it, with no hurry.  Going to the Padres game later, which I love even though the Pads suck.  Life is pretty good.

Started with a fair amount of dynamic work and the usual bar work.  Downed the B-Ala/creatine stuff and TN's Rockitfuel, which is basically an energy drink without sugar.  Got to it.

Wore knee sleeves and used a Spud DL belt when the time came.

Squat x3@8 + 5% fatigue: reached 750# feeling pretty good -- might have had another small jump, but knew I had paused DLs coming, so I didn't get too ambitious.  Got two sets 10kg down for my fatigue.  Legs are very tired now, but I felt very strong today (after all my bitching last time.  Go figure.)

2ct paused DL x4@8.5 + 5% fatigue: got 310kg and stopped, took one set to -5% fatigue.  Feel pretty good about this -- I might have had another very small jump, but I was already seeing stars and was supposed to stop at RPE=8.5.  I think 8.5 is fair.

Snatch SLDL x8@9 + 5% fatigue: Got to 200kg and took a crap (legit 9), so backed off 5% and only got one set.  I feel okay about it, though it would be fun to do these on an off day and really see what I can do.  Honestly, this was the best I've felt doing these this cycle, though I may have just been happy to have gotten past the paused DLs.

Though the protocol didn't call for it, I did some high pulls between SLDL sets, just because I love rows.

All in all, a good day.  Made some progress, apparently, despite how unhappy I was about it all a couple of days ago.  And I hate paused DLs, which means I probably should do more of them; I'd rather do deficits any day.  Four rep paused just makes for a very long valsalva maneuver.

Been doing some research on paleo diets and the Bulletproof Diet as a buying reference for Carb Backloading.  Essentially CBL is about when to eat and what, as far as fats and carbs.  It actually accommodates eating guidelines like paleo/paleo-plus quite well.  Kiefer stipulates lots of carbs in CBL after training, and BD allows for it just fine so long as I stay away from the processed crap.  Frankly, I'm looking forward to it, as I have started noticed how differently I feel depending on what I've eaten. 

Anyway, I will post impressions and maybe even what I'm eating, if anyone cares.

Thanks for sticking with me.

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