Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 4 week 3

Hot day here, so the gym was really warm. Had the fan going from the beginning. Great day to lift.

I felt a little lethargic going on, though not at all sure why. Today's a high-carb day (all training days are) and my general feeling is quite good. Not sure. My scale weight's not coming up, so Shelby has changed everything, essentially upping the carbs and calories.

Anyway, I knew today would be tough.

Started with Shelby's pre and peri-training nutrition regimen. Wore Convict elbow sleeves, loose briefs, wrist wraps, and leather belt on squats after warm-ups. Warmed up with dynamic work first and weight work after that.

All sets aimed for 10 reps to positive failure with 90 seconds rest between.

Military press, seated, fat bar: 5 x 10 reps with 145 kilos on the bar. These felt good, though the last rep of each set was tough. Next week will be tougher.

Squat: 5 x 10 with 270 kg on the bar. Backed off the weight last time to get good depth on everything. Stance was a bit wider than shoulder width. Felt good, though I was sucking serious wind with 90s rest. Brutal.

Tricep extension roll-outs: 5 x 10 with 35 kilos on the skinny DBs. These felt great, though I was seriously cooked afterward.

I'm looking forward to making the stipulated changes to my diet, though 100g of clean carbs is tough. I'm going to have to bust out my rice cooker.

The next three weeks will all decrease volume and increase weight intensity. The easy day was yesterday.


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