Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 4 week 6

Another hot day today with a Santa Ana blowing in. The air is super dry and warm, which makes for summer-like days. Great day to be a Saturday.

Felt good going into today. Got a big date with my wife tonight at the symphony and one of our favorite restaurants. I smell a bison ribeye in my future.

In the meantime I started with a lot of dynamic work, elbow sleeves, eventually knee sleeves and briefs, and the usual pre-workout nutrition. I'd eaten maybe 30 minutes prior but was still hungry. Now, afterward, I'm ravenous.

Warmed up after the dynamic work with weight in the usual ways.

All exercises were 3 sets of 5-7 with 180s between.

Military press, seated, fat bar: 3 x 7 reps with weight up 5%. Seat was at 80 degrees (more/less). It was fairly hard today and I started doing these in the rack with pins set low so I at least have a bail-out that's not my lap. This is starting to be a lot of weight now.

Squat: 3 x 7, up another 5% from last time. Three sets of 7 pushed hard. The last set was really pretty easy -- this is officially a whole lot of weight now. I'm nearing PR land for weight for these reps, so I suspect my max might be scary. We'll see.

Tricep extensions: I used handles and a bunch of chains with the bench at 45 degrees. I cared less about numbers than form and clobbering my tris. Pretty much got it done, though will have to tinker with it.

Extreme stretches weren't too bad today -- seldom are with these muscle groups.

Good stuff. Have a great evening.

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