Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Squat day

Finally got time to squat. My wife's out of town in San Fran and I've been Mister Mom for the last several days, which along with four straight days of baseball just killed any chance to get under the bar. But I got there.

Started with dynamic warm-up and bar work. Wore Metal Ace briefs, no sleeves, eventually the leather belt. Started with AtLarge Results and Biotest Surge Workout Fuel, which I also downed during.

I went into the room with a little trepidation today -- not sure what to expect. All the weight on the bar seemed to move around today, too, which made the walkouts an adventure. Not sure why. On top of all that whining, I've gained a little weight (finally) and my briefs were a little tighter than usual, which threatened to push me out of my usual groove. So be it.


A lot x 3 -- my usual starter, it went up super-easy but the walkout was a bitch
10% more x 3 still pretty easy
10% more x 3 hit 10 clean reps -- a 5-rep PR

215 kilos x 5 x 10 off a parallel box

super'd with

SLDL from a deficit with 100 kilos on the bar

Honestly, I was incredibly pumped (both physically and mentally) from the rep PR and lit into the assistance work. I was going to just try to rip off 50 reps off the box on the squat and enjoy soreness tomorrow, but I always start with the odd superset first. So I did SLDLs first and started a spasm in my low-back. Brilliant. I did a couple of sets with squats and was so uncomfortable that I started to worry about dumping the weight.

So I wimped after a couple of sets and called it a night. I'm still chuffed about the PR, so I don't feel too down about it. I'll just fill them in tomorrow.

The rep-PR was only 20 kilos below my all-time bar weight PR. That puppy is going down this quarter. If I hit that PR, I'm entering a comp as closely on its heels as possible.

Now to deal with my usual headache. Have a great night.

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