Monday, October 8, 2012

training 10.8.2012

Went ahead and trained today knowing I can't tomorrow.  I should have waited.

Dynamic work, B-Ala/creatine mix, wrist support.

DL x4@9.5 + -5%: 270kg; felt okay, tried another 10kg and failed miserably on the first rep

Bench +chain x3@8.5 + -5%: 215kg; never felt good.  Went up 5kg per side and failed on the second rep

SSB squat x4@9 + -5%: got them done, did some front squats for quad polish

Slept incredibly hard last night and dragged all day.  Next time.

I had some visitors to the blog from a bodybuilding site everyone would know, and so I followed the link that sent them here to see what started it.  The comments from the originating thread (on the BB site) convinced me of why the more time I spend with people, the more I like my dogs.  We can all be turds in the punchbowl from time to time, but whatever happened to basic politeness and etiquette?  This Southern boy doesn't get it.  Whatever the case, I log so I can track my progress and work -- I have amassed a fair amount of data about my own experiment.  I officially and publicly hereby say that I appreciate you all for not filling my site with the kind of crap the bro-tocracy spams these other sites with.  Talk is cheap, people.  As my mother would say, say something meaningful and uplifting or keep your mouth shut.  Seriously, thank you, folks.  Always feel free to comment, please, and even critique.  But value other people, even when they may not deserve it.  That's called grace. 

I can't lift tomorrow because I'm cooking dinner for several hundred soldiers -- people who needed a job and for whatever reason chose one that not only could cost them their lives or limbs, but also one that makes it possible for us to say anything we darn well please.  Bless them.  I'm going to do something for them for once.  I encourage you to do the same.  Either way, it will be at least Wednesday before you hear from me again.  I suspect that's a relief.

Take care.


  1. Found that thread. What a train wreck.

    Nice job on the cooking. Makes me proud to know you, buddy.

  2. Awesome! What Bobby said! (About the cooking, not the train wreck...)
