Sunday, January 22, 2012

week 3 days 2 and 3 1.22.2012

Posting a couple of days -- been busy, but got the training in.  Sorry this one is unorthodox and not very informative.

Day 2 was bench x3, Good Mornings x6, and Push Press x12.

Day 3 was DL x3, Pin Press from chest x4, and 2-count squat x4.

Both had work sets followed by a single 95% set.

I've been tired and not eating enough.  I had a few glasses of champagne and wine spread across several days due to birthday parties and a visiting relative -- honestly, while I love a big, fruity cab, I feel a lot better if I don't.  Had a flight of Darioush cab last night, which was delicious, but doesn't do me any favors.  Didn't get even remotely tipsy, but any at all has an effect on the training.  Think I'll try some bourbon tonight to see if the effect continues.  Kidding, kind of.

My GMs last time were very good and my push press continues to improve.  My benching today off the pins resulted in another gain as well.  The volume in this routine is working to my favor, I believe, though I do notice getting tired occasionally.

Hoping this week I will have more time to devote to training and logging it.  Thanks for sticking with me -- I will make this more interesting soon.  Stay tuned, as I expect big things from squatting this week in particular.


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