Saturday, January 7, 2012

training PM day 4 1.7.2012

The carb backloading is still going pretty well, and my workouts are going through the roof.  Great stuff.

I didn't do much dynamic work today -- mostly bar work to warm up.  Been a nice Saturday.

Wore elbow sleeves and a Spud DL belt for the SLDLs.

Floor press, sets of 4 @7,8,9 RPE:  Worked up to 220kg.  Felt fantastic -- starting to love FP again.

Snatch grip SLDL, sets of 12 @7,8,9 RPE: Worked up to a decent weight, kept strict form, and felt these.  I didn't push them as hard as I might otherwise, as I almost always leave them with low back pain.  Not today.

Floor press, pinky on the ring, sets of 12 @7,8,9 RPE: hit 160kg and called it.  With high-rep sets, the difference between RPE ratings can be 10kg or even how the previous set went.  I didn't push all the way, but I'm sure I hit 8 for RPE and probably 9.

Got next week's workouts and have already hit up Bob for some smarts.  I'm looking forward to it.

Have a great day, and thanks for checking in.

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