Thursday, January 5, 2012

PM day 3 1.5.2012

Gorgeous day today.  Very warm.

Warmed up the usual way, with a bunch of dynamic work and what ended up being a fair amount of bar work.  Used knee and elbow sleeves and some loose briefs for hip support.

Deadlift, 2-count pause, 3 reps at 7, 8, and 9 RPE: reached 305kg and got 3 legit, paused reps.  No one was more surprised than I was.  Tried another 10kg and failed miserably -- got maybe an inch off the floor with the first rep and was done.

Pin press, 4 rep sets at 7,8,9 RPE: 190kg and was done.

Squat, 2-count pause, 4 rep sets at 7,8, and 9 RPE:  Improved nearly 10% over last time.  No idea where it came from.  Depth was good, pauses were strict, and I felt great out of the hole.

Honestly, today was a fantastic effort.  I felt like I could have approached a 1RM on squats, and my DL felt better than it has felt in recent memory.  Everything felt good today.  I was pretty well stimmed up (AtLarge Axcel, but I didn't take them until right before I hit the rumpus room, so it can't account for much.

Very pleased with the way this is going.  I was starting to feel that maybe the volume was too low, but I went in today feeling a little tired.  We'll see what I feel like tomorrow.  I'm supposed to have another session tomorrow that I may move to Saturday.

Loving this.  Off to eat.

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