Monday, January 9, 2012

Training PM day 1 week 2 1.9.2012

Alright, this one was hard.  I don't have a lot of time to document this, so forgive the brevity.

Warmed up with some dynamic work and a lot of bar work.  Used knee sleeves and elbow sleeves and not much else.

Water during, Dark Matter after.  Was a little intimidated coming in, because I knew it would be hard and I did not stim up because I need the sleep tonight.  Don't think that'll be a problem, and I shouldn't have worried.

Squat: sets of four to RPE=9, followed by 2 sets of 4 reps at 93% of my RPE=9 total.  Hit 310kg on my RPE=9 sets.  Pounded out the rest.

Comp Bench: sets of four to RPE=9, followed by 1 set of 4 reps at 95% and a second of AMRAP at 77%.  Got what I had projected, though my left pec barked through most of it.  220kg.

2-count DL: sets of 3 to RPE=9 followed by 2 sets of 4 at 93% of the RPE=9 total.  This sucked, though I got exactly what I had projected, which was around 660#.

As I said, this one was hard.  Late in the day, mild stims seem like a good idea all of a sudden.  Off to eat.

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