Monday, November 2, 2009

Military press

Back at it today. I'm getting ready for hosting and playing in a pick-up baseball game for guys who played -- you have to have played in college, minors, or bigs. I'm very excited and it's coming together fabulously (lots of interest/players), but it means getting my old bod in the playing groove. So I've been taking lots of cuts (at least 50 balls a day) and throwing as often as I can, and my shoulders and elbows are feeling it.

So today's military day is important on several levels.

Used AtLarge Results and Surge Workout Fuel before. Elbow sleeves and chalk, but little else. Been taking Circumin day and night; not sure how many to take, but am keeping it around 1000mg per drop.

Quick warm-up.

Military press:
110kg x 5 very easy -- felt really strong, tight
120kg x 5 still a breeze
130 kg x 9 could have pushed ten, but left some in the tank

75kg 5x10 supersetted with
chins 5 x fail

Everything felt strong today. I breezed through the workout and took about 70 cuts with a 30 ounce bamboo bat at regulation minor league balls. Feel good, though my right shoulder is aching just a little bit (not bad at all) and I have a slight headache. Nothing worth whining about.

Everything felt good enough that I wondered what's going on. Maybe I should move up the weight. We'll see after the 5/3/1 day.

Off to watch the ballgame -- whether the Yankees end it tonight or not is largely irrelevant, just because the series has been so good.

Have a great night, all.

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