Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Squat day

I was due to squat a couple of days ago and started itching to get it done. Sometimes life gets in the way of things that have to get done. So I got up this morning and hit the weight. It was a cool morning, so I took a heater in there with me.

Warm up suffered and my right patella feels it -- sharp pain underneath started just about at the end of the day, so no sweat. Part of getting older. It'll pass.

Some dynamic warm-up. Wore Ace briefs and used my usual cocktail before the workout. My stepson came out and watched, which hampered the tunes a little. But I'll take that any day.

On to my favorite day:

320 kg x 3
340 kg x 3
360 kg x 3 all came up very easily. Surprisingly so. Some torso instability -- a belt adjustment and valsalva adjustment and all was well.

210 kg x 5 x 10

superset w/

strong band leg curls

I looked like some kinda chick with the donkey-kick leg curls against a band. But until I get a GHR in the gym, that's it along with GMs and the like. So it goes.

Everything moved well today, which is surprising given the hour and abbreviated warm-up. All in all, I'm pleased with the way things went. Coulda been a disaster.

Great day. That's an order.

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