Saturday, November 5, 2011

training 11.5.2011

Gorgeous day here today after a rare full day of rain yesterday.  Cool, crisp, and still pretty wet.

Started with Results and MGPM.  Did some bar work to warm up and used elbow sleeves for the pressing.

Can't tell you how glad I am that deload is over.

Military press: Worked up to a 5-rep set of 170kg, pushed out ten reps.  Very happy with that.

DB Snatch and

Used more weight than usual for the assistance work and did sets of 5-8 reps.  Did a bunch.  Felt good.  I have done Krocs in a long time, and my left hand was very strangely weaker than my right.  Never had such a disparity before.  Wonder what I did.

My wife rocked at the Border States last week, taking a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.  Very proud of her, as it was a huge comp and each of her classes was packed.  Right now she's in DC working, so I'm alone with the dogs.  Good time for reading.

Hope everyone has a great, safe weekend.

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