Thursday, November 21, 2013

training 11.20.2013

Ndure, Athletic Greens, a little weight work to warm up.

Incline press on a machine: 15/12/10/8 rep sets with the same weight, pausing at the bottom for 1s and pressing up hard.  No full lockout.

Incline barbell press, rest paused, 4x6; also no full lockout -- maintain constant tension

Decline DB press, 3x10 with hard flex at the top -- right shoulder was a little unhappy, mostly from the kick-ups to get the weight up

Dips, 3xfailure, deep stretch and stop short of locking elbows; added 10 band over/backs between each set of dips

Machine rear delt: 30/25/20/15, 60s between sets + band over/backs; these are killer

DB side laterals, 4x20 -- miserably small weights by now, I did most of these with 25s

Ultra-wide grip military press, 4x10 with 60s between sets; last set was the bare bar, I was so blasted.

I also did a bunch of biceps work -- supine cross-body curls (4x10), EZ bar preachers (4x8, 3x neg), EZ bar curl (4x6, 3s neg), and reverse EZ bar curls (3x20, 1s hold at the top).  By the last set of reverse curls, I had nothing but the bar.  My arms were fried.

Raining today, a week from Thanksgiving.  Got to go shopping for groceries.

Thanks for checking in.

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