Saturday, January 22, 2011

Idle thoughts

I'll train today if I can make time -- my wife invited people over for dinner, which means I'm cooking. As a former chef, everyone expects big things, so even comfort food has to be special. Nothing is simple. But watch if you remain interested, because today will be a DL and Smolov day.

I ordered a Free Spotter from Shermworks mostly because it cost me a tenth of a set of beam power hooks from Crepinsek. We'll see if it works as well as advertised and solves my walkout whining -- it should act a lot like a monolift. We'll see. The assembly sure is inexpensive.

If it works as well as I hope, I'll spring for the olympic dumbbell type as well and get back to heavy arm-isolated chest work. I hope.

Bob's got me thinking about competing soon, so I contacted Rudy at Overkill Strength and he's making a shirt for me. I've got a good Metal Ace squatter I occasionally use, so I will start dusting it all off and practicing in it. Guess it's time to put my money where my mouth is again.

Work has been an unruly beast lately -- recent changes have given me much, much more detail work to do, which just sucks time like crazy. Getting tough to catch up where I used to have time to cruise. I do like being busy, though, just not fond of details.

Not sure if I can cram two training days in this weekend, since it's a third and fourth Smolov day. May be too tough to do without a recovery day. We'll see.

Anyway, lots to do today. Gorgeous, hot day here. Hope you all have a great day.

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