Sunday, November 28, 2010

Military press, 3 rep

Gorgeous day today. Crisp and cool, right around 60.

My left quad aches all the time around the scar. I'm going to take up the practice of cross-fiber massage every night, so I guess I better get a good cream or gel today. I need confidence in that muscle, that it won't fold like a pup tent next time I have a big load on me. Bob suggested it was adhesions coming loose, and I suspect he's right; but it still hurts, no matter what the situation.

Enough whining.

Started with Results and the Shelby mix. Did dynamic work only for my quad, and a bunch of bar work for my shoulders. Wore wrist wraps and elbow sleeves and got to it.

Military, fat bar, standing
110kg x 3 easy
130kg x 3 still pretty easy, though some barking
140kg x 3 fairly tough, did no extra because I kept thinking about my left knee and not about what I was doing. Great.

100kg x 5 x 10 very easy

Chins, fat grip
Alternated with the 100 kilo military sets. Alternated grips and added two full sets of 5/8" chains, which ought to be just short of 100 pounds. These were pretty smooth -- felt good about them.

All in all a good day, though still dominated by mental games surrounding my left quad. I suspect the massage will help a lot, though it'll likely take some time. Fine.

Great day, all.

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