Thursday, November 18, 2010

A new beginning: the return to 5/3/1, MP 5 day

It's been a couple of weeks and I feel weak. Came down with a vicious cold likely born out of job stress, so I took the chance to deload in a serious way.

During the two weeks, I contemplated where I'm going. I'm still tender on my vastus scar and still worried about how that's progressing. Going to start fairly serious soft tissue work to break it up. In the meantime, I've been itching to change things up, so I did. I decided to go back to 5/3/1, where I was making continuous progress prior to launching with Shelby. I made even more progress with Shelby and have nothing but positives to say about that, but just want to make changes.

So today is day one of a week spent exploring where I am. I started with Results and the Shelby mix, used elbow sleeves and wrist wraps, and did a fair amount of bar work. I'm lifting in the morning, which I hate, the day after having eaten way too little. I was hungry all day, hearing Shelby and John Berardi fussing at me in my ear all day long. So it was not likely to be a day of PRs.

Starting with Boring but Big

Military 5, 180s rest

Did my three 5 rep sets with 100 kilos, standing, reps to collar bone for full ROM. Kept it under control. Started first rep at shoulders, no knee bounce. All three sets went up pretty easily.

Military 5x10, 180s rest

Same protocol, same weight, 10 reps per set. The first three were easy, the fourth set tough, the fifth brutal. Feel it mostly in my posterior/medial deltoids. Posterior was crying.

Supersetted my 10 rep MP with Krocs with my 80kg fat DB. Pulled only ten reps per, but did five sets.

Threw some chins in without much fervor. I think I'll use them on bench days.

Feels good to train again. Looking forward to renewed purpose. Hope everyone has a great day. Hang tough, Bob -- we're pulling for you.

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