Sunday, December 19, 2010

Military press, 5/3/1 day

Raining here and has been for a couple of days. Very soporific, but can't take a nap -- gotta play nice all afternoon. Wife's company Christmas party is tonight, too. I'm looking forward to a few days off next weekend.

Downed Results and BCAA+. Warmed up with some dynamic work and a little bar work. Wore elbow sleeves and neoprene wrist wraps.

Military press, fat bar, seated at 85 degrees:

115kg x 5 reps easy
130kg x 3 reps still easy
145kg x 1 rep got 13 reps, pretty good

100kg x 5 x 10 reps supersetted with

Posterior Deltoid fly with 25kg, all done one-armed to full vertical.

My right shoulder has been hurting a lot lately. It feels as though I've torn something or have something floating around in the joint -- the same movements only make it hurt occasionally. It passes the rotator cuff click test in that I can lift my arm medially all the way to overhead without pain, clicking, or adjustment. Something else is wrong.

But today didn't hurt a bit. Can't tell you how happy I am about that. Went back to seated to take some of the pressure off the shoulder. Guess it helped.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Nice session! And, oh, how I appreciate that you used "soporific" in a blog post. :)

