Friday, September 13, 2013


Okay, so I'm losing my mind from lack of training.  Still, an update:

The garage has one spot that is big enough to accommodate a full size rack, but it is at the transition point most garages have where the slope of the floor begins.  So I will have to find a temporary but stable way to level the floor if I am to use the rack.

I'm still in a sea of boxes, and the garage is always a natural dumping ground for boxes in search of a home.  I have sold or given away over 30% of all we have, and it is not enough.  This place has more square footage than the old place, but less of the footage is devoted to storage space.  Much less.

I'm not at all sure the garage is big enough, no matter whether I come up with a clever leveling method or not.  In the meantime, I am going to get serious about dumbbell and bodyweight work to try to retain whatever shreds of sanity I might have left.

Stay tuned.

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