Saturday, September 1, 2012

training 9.1.2012

Cannot believe it's already September.

Working early today -- in around 8:30.  Warm, gorgeous, humid day in Sandy Eggo.  Light breeze.  Had the fan on hard in the rumpus room.

Started after coffee with Craze (1 scoop before and another during) + B-Ala/creatine mix.  Knee sleeves, no dynamic work.  Modicum of warm-up sets.

2ct DL x3@9 + -5%: 255kg plus one.  Felt fantastic.  RPE was closer to 8.5, whereas usual 9 is closer to 10.

SSB squat x3@9 + -5%: 210kg plus one.  Slight improvement over last.  Low back was getting tired.

Lunges x5@9 + -5%: Did Zerchers instead to take it easy on my left knee, which hates lunges.  Need some form work, I guess, or to do these outside around the yard where direction and slop are less important.

Did a bunch of Kroc rows afterward, just because I need the rowing work and because I felt like it.  Liked the Zerchers.  Might throw in step-ups too, but I suck wind on those like nobody's business.  Maybe hip thrusters, which I love (even though they kill me).

Feel good about the deadlifting, frankly.  Gives me hope I may be able to break 2000 total before I die.  I think I set that as a goal when I turned 40, and I might actually make it.  The trick, as ever, is to do it in a meet; performance anxiety and meet pressure sucks the life out of me.  I am a gym queen, I guess, hoping to someday be a reformed gym queen.  We'll see.  If I can get certified within 23 days, I may compete with the boy in December.  Maybe dealing with supporting him will take the pressure off me, but I doubt it.  We'll see.  Plus, I need to get back into the gear and see what I can do supported in multi-ply.  Squatting in a suit feels so odd now, I'm not sure I could hit anything remotely close to my raw max.  Sitting back, avoiding pitching forward, just getting my butt down to deadlift in a suit -- it'll take some time.  I'm stretching out my loosest bench shirt to see what I can do there.  Any advice is welcome.

Take of yourselves, guys.  Milda, keep rowing, girl.  Bob, keep fighting; amassing information to send you, but not sure any of it is useful.  Will wait until convinced.

1 comment:

  1. The aquatic center is closed the entire weekend, and my intention to row last Wed was squashed by heavy fog. Focused on getting out this Wed come hell or high water. Just not fog again, pleeeeze!

    Whoa, 23 days!? Just make sure the school gives you a list of organizations from which they will accept certifications. You already have more than enough knowledge...the trick is writing the answers that the cert organization wants to see. Wish you loads of luck -- let me know if there's anything I can do to help!
